1 min 6 yrs

Uwe (DL8OBF)’s visit to Tunisia

During his 2 week long vacation in Tunisia, Uwe DL8OBF, president of RRDXA, and one of WRTC 2018 Directors, got in touch with the Tunisian Ham radio society. He started his visit with meeting the president of ARAT Ashraf Chabaane in Sousse, then paid a visit on […]

1 min 6 yrs

Activites for recruitment

On Sunday the 18th, Monday the 19th, and Tuesday the 20th, ARAT members established an introductive and training workshop for interested individuals youngsters and those never exposed to the hobby, in an attempt to draw young people and expose them to the hobby. the workshop […]

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World Radio Day 2015 – ARAT Celebration

1 min 9 yrs

In the occasion of the World Radio Day 2015, ARAT has organized a presentation on the history of radio, its development with a slight focus on amateur radio. The presentation held in Sousse was attended by two German hams, DL2GP and DK1NEM    

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1 min 10 yrs

ARAT Annual Meeting 2015

As every year, ARAT has held its fourth Annual Meeting on January 4th 2015. The meeting which gathered ARAT board and some members from 5 different cities, was an opportunity to go through the Annual Report for 2014 and to discuss what has been achieved […]

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1 min 10 yrs

3V8BCC – CQ WW RTTY Contest 2014

Joint activity between ARAT and Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) during which 3V8SS station upgrade works has been carried out. Due to some customs issues, the team has activated the station in MS Category instead of M2.

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1 min 10 yrs

Friedrichshafen Hamfest 2014 – ARAT Stand

ARAT is participating this year to the Friedrichshafen Hamfest and will be represented by two of its members; Hakim ON7HLU (Tunisian living in Belgium) and Ali 3V8ESG. ARAT is aiming to introduce its activities to hamradio population attending the hamfest from around the world.   

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1 min 10 yrs

Visit of IARU-R1 President PB2T and 9K2RR to ARAT

ARAT was honored to welcome Hans PB2T, IARU-R1 President and Faisal 9K2RR for a meeting to discuss ham radio related topics. ARAT was represented by its EC and some members. ARAT would like to thank both guests for their time and effort and wishes to […]

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1 min 10 yrs

ARA – ARAT Cooperation Agreement

ARAT is proud to announce the cooperation agreement it signed with the Algerian Amateur Radio Association ARA. This agreement is a first step towards unifying arab associations for a better future of our hobby… The agreement was signed by Wael – ARAT EC President and Massinissa – […]

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1 min 10 yrs

TS1G – Tunisian Desert Festival

International Festival of Saharian Ksours of Tataouine: In collaboration with Tunisian Scouts, ARAT has organized a radio activity, the first in its kind, in the sounthern part of the county to contribute to the International Festival of Saharian Ksours of Tataouine. A special callsign was […]

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1 min 10 yrs

2nd ARAT Congress – Annual Meeting

ARAT Held on January 18th 2014 its 2nd Annual Meeting and congress. During this meeting, ARAT EC went through the 2013 Annual Report summarizing the activities carried out during the last year. This was followed by the presenting the new EC Structure that was upgraded […]

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