During his 5 day visit to Tunisia while travelling through north african countries, Vladimir Bykov (UA4WHX) got in touch with the association’s members for a meeting and to operate from one of the clubs.
The plan went as follows:
-The first day was from “3V8CB” in Borj Cedria, Vlad operated on various bands notably the 30 meters band, with various modes, specially RTTY.
-The second day was from “3V8ST” located in downtown Tunis, Vlad operated on various bands mainly on RTTY.
Then on his final day, Vlad and members met for a meal and coffe, and visited some places, during that time they got the chance to share experiences and knowledge, specially discovering Vlad’s long DX journey.
It was a pleasure having you with us Vlad, and good luck.
Vlad (UA4WHX)’s visit to Tunisia.